In this video I talk about my experience with Social Services and my feelings around it.
Parenting Puzzle Course That I Did
In this video I talk briefly about a parenting course that I did and how it helped me.
Feeling Poorly
In this video I explain how I have been unwell for a month and the doctor says it’s all my fault!!
Exercise Classes Are For Me
In this video I tell you why I prefer exercise classes over the gym.
Exercise – Just Walk A Bit
In this video I explain that you don’t need to run a marathon to start with!!! You could walk to the shop instead of driving (Like me – who drives 30 seconds to the shop!)
The First Time I Tried Cocaine
In this video I tell you about the first time I tried cocaine and how it made me feel.
The First Time I Tried Alcohol
In this video I talk about what it felt like when I started drinking.
Relationships Early On In Recovery
In this video I discuss the stresses that come with being in a relationship early on in recovery.
In this video I talk about how important it is to make time for myself.
Grateful To Be A Mum In This Day And Age
In this video I discuss how grateful I am that I am a Mum today rather than 50 years ago!
The Power Of Routine
In this video I discuss how much easier my life is made by having a strict routine.
The Books By Rhonda Byrne
In this video I briefly talk about the books by Rhonda Byrne. I’ll possibly do another video on this at a later date and talk in slightly more detail! Amazon links: The Secret (Rhonda Byrne). The Power (Rhonda Byrne). The Hero (Rhonda Byrne). The Magic (Rhonda Byrne).
The Big Book Of Alcoholics Anonymous
In this book I very briefly discuss the ‘Big Book’. I am not speaking on behalf of AA I am simply giving my opinions about the book. Amazon links: Alcoholics Anonymous – Big Book.
Why I Think Having a Hobby Is Important
In this video I discuss why having a hobby is so important for me.
In this video I discuss alcohol and heroin detox. I must add that detox alone is not an effective addiction treatment. BUT – it’s a vital first step. If someone is not clean, chances are treating them for addiction will not be effective.
Be The Best You That You Can Be
In this video I talk about not comparing yourself to others and be the best you, rather than trying to be someone else.
Womens Groups and Mens Groups
In this video I talk about the power of being in a group of same sex people as yourself that all share a common problem, be it mental health or addiction.
The Good Thing About Hitting Rock Bottom
In this video I discuss my rock bottom and even though it was the most painful experience ever, it was the best thing that happened to me.
12 Step Fellowships and What They Are About
In this video I explain what a 12 Stepfellowship is and does. I must point out I do not talk on behalf of any fellowship – these are my personal opinions.
Body Dysmorphia
In this video I discuss how I have suffered with body Dysmorphia.
How Different My Life Is Today
In this video I discuss how different my life is now compared to when I was using and drinking.
What I First Thought Life In Recovery Would Be Like
In this video I explain what I thought recovery woukd be like once I had finished rehab.
My Recovery Friends
In this video I discuss the importance of having Friends in Recovery.
Life Can Still Throw Things My Way
In this video I discuss how life isnt rosy just because I’m in recovery. Life can be hard but today I know that drinking and using isn’t the answer to my problems.
What is Spirituality?
In this video I discuss what spirituality means to me.
Living with Bulimia for 16 Years
In this video I talk about what it was like to live with bulimia for 16 years.
Bulimia and How It First Started
In this video I talk about the first time I made myself sick and why I did it.
In this video I talk about my time in Rehab.
After Rehab
In this video I talk about the problems I experienced once I had completed 7 months in rehab.
Being a Mum
In this video I discuss what it’s like to be a Mum.
Being a Mum in Recovery
In this video I discuss the problems that come with being a Mum in recovery and how I deal with it.
Sher-i-na Does Make-Up Au Naturel… A spoof. In this video Sher-i-na teaches you to do make-up ‘au-naturel’ with a few tricks thrown in.
My Rock Bottom
In this video I talk about when I hit my rock bottom.
Cocaine and the Final Years
In this video I talk about just how miserable the finak years of my using were.
Cocaine and the First Years
In this video I discuss what the first few years of using cocaine were like. The first years were very different to the final years.
School Run Make-Up
Possibly the most basic make-up tutorial ever!! In this video I show you what I do on a morning where Im rushing about and have no time and yet I look like a zombie and need to do something to make me look slightly perkier!
My Skin Care Routine
In this video I talk you through my skin care routine. I talk about serums, moisturising, toner, masks, scrubs as well as water and green tea! I must excuse the spots as I was having a bad skin day (week!)…
Medication and Do We Need It
In this video I discuss my views on medication for mental health illnesses.
Self Harm
In this video I talk about my self harming and why I would do it.
Post-Natal Depression
In this video I talk about when I suffered post-natal depression.
Pre-natal Depression
In this video I discuss how I suffered pre-natally with my third child.
How Anxiety Affected My Life
In this video I explain just how much anxiety controlled my life.
The Physical Effects of Anxiety
In this video I explain what would happen to me physically when I was anxious.
Anxiety and What Would Go Through My Head
In this video I talk about my thoughts when feeling anxious.
Depression and How it Effected Me Externally
I talk about how I would behave and what I would do when I was depressed.
Depression and How I Felt Internally
In this video I talk about how I felt internally when I was depressed.
Borderline Personality Disorder – Fear of Abandonement
In this video I talk about my constant fear of being abandoned and what I do to try and stop this from happening!
Borderline Personality Disorder – Catastrophizing
In this video I talk about how I catastophized about everything!!
Borderline Personality Disorder – Violent Outbursts
In this video I talk about my previous violent outbursts and how my temper was uncontrollable.
Borderline Personality Traits – Intrusive thoughts and paranoia
In this video I talk about the intrusive thoughts I have had over the years and how they affected me.
Borderline Personality Trait – Bad Self Image
In this video I talk about the borderline personality trait of bad self image and how it affected me over the years.
Borderline Personality Trait – Relationships – Intense and Unstable
In this video I talk about the borderline personality trait, unstable and intense relationships.
Borderline Personality Traits – Intense Emotions
I talk about the Borderline Personality Trait – Intense Emotions – and how they affected me.