Should we tell our kids about our mental health and if so how do we do it?
BPD – Anger Issues With Our Kids
How do we stop ourselves taking our anger out on our kids?
BPD – Coming On Too Strong And Scaring People Away
I always needed to be liked – I couldn’t bare the thought of someone not liking me – and I would go to extreme measures to get them to like me!
BPD – I Felt Like A Child All The Time
I seriously thought I was like Peter Pan. I just did not feel like I had grown up at all. I felt like a lost child stuck in an adults body.
BPD – When We Shut People Out To Focus On Our Own Way Of Recovery
There were times when I would try to develop my own way of recovery by fixing on things. When I did this I would distance myself from my loved ones and be quite cold and cut off from them.
Why Do People With BPD Move On So Quickly From An Ex?
When I broke up with someone I could be devestated one minute only to have completely moved on the next. Why do we do this?
BPD, Memory Loss and Dissasociation
I started dissasociating at a young age and the memory loss soon followed – both short term and long term memory loss.
Did My Family Notice a Big Change When I Recovered?
My Family think I am a completely different person to who I used to be. But it can be hard on families to believe we truly have changed.
BPD and Black and White Thinking / Splitting
Living with black and white thinking can leave those around us on eggshells as they never know when we are going to ‘split’.
The Dark Side Of Porn
Sorry to do another porn video guys! In this video I discuss how porn can be really destructive to relationships.
Setting Boundaries Us borderliners can cause a lot of hurt to our loved ones. How much should a loved one put up with? What should they do when we kick off?
Building Your Self Esteem
I had to do this video with my 2 year old on my lap who had just woken from a nap!
Implementing a Routine
A routine is so helpful in recovery and can make life easier for us. But how do we do it?
Fixing on Porn and Sex
Here I discuss some of the issues we have with sex – intimacy, promiscuity, low self esteem etc. We can also use porn as a way of getting our needs met without the worry of intimacy!
Finding Out Your Partner Watches Porn
I can remember the feeling of betrayal and deep hurt I felt when I discovered an ex watched porn.
Constant Feelings of Lonliness, Emptiness and Isolation
I always felt different and could be in a room full of people and still feel lonely.
Feelings Of Guilt, Shame and Feeling Undeserving
I spent so many years feeling guilt and shame and feeling like I deserved love from nobody! Luckily I don’t feel like that today!
BPD – Devaluing and Ignoring Those We Love
I could be so cold to the people whom I was supposed to love the most.
Comparing Yourself To Others, Loss of Self, Self-image and Not Feeling Good Enough
I was like a chameleon for years – constantly trying to adapt to be like others around me – to the point I didn’t even know who I was or what I liked.
BPD – Sex, Disgust, Anger But Scared They’ll Cheat
I used to have real issues around sex which I explain in this video.
What If Someone Has BPD But Refuses to Admit There’s A Problem Or Get Help
What if someone you love who you either think has BPD or has been diagnosed refuses to get any help? What if this person is a parent? What are your options?
Q & A – Personal 2
Where am I from? What tattoos do I have? How did I take care of my kids when I was really low?
BPD Traits But No Diagnosis
What if you have some of the BPD traits but not enough to get an actual diagnosis? Would DBT help?
How does the ‘monthly moods’ effect you differently if you have borderline personality disorder?
My Weekly Catch Up – Wednesday 2nd November 2016
The kids had their half term hols, I went to Ireland for my brother’s wedding, I no longer have a house to move in to and I cried for the first time this pregnancy!