Today I discuss when we (those of us with BPD) decide we want to get back with an ex – what should we do and what should we not do?
PAST LIVES & Our Mental Health
Today I consider something that has played on my mind for many years – could the reason I am the way I am today have something to do with an experience in a past life?
A Video Guest – Cory from The Borderline Life Today we have a guest doing a video for my channel. Cory is on her recovery journey from BPD and is someone I have much respect for. I hope you guys enjoy her video and don’t forget to check out her channel! Link Below :
The First Step On The Road To Recovery From BPD
Today I discuss the first step of the 10 steps that I have developed to combat this disorder. Admitting we have a problem sounds easier than it actually is. To admit we have a problem means we stop blaming other people and past events and finally accept that the problem lies within us.
How To Cope When an Ex Moves On
There are times when we may end a relationship because it simply isn’t working for us…only to find months and months later that our ex has moved on with someone else and we are left heart-broken! Why does this happen when we were the ones to end it? Are we entitled to feel this way? […]
Not Everyone With BPD Is The Same
A quick vid today guys as Lottie is refusing to let me film!
Dealing With Betrayal
Betrayal comes in many forms – not just an affair, but gossip, abandonment etc are also ways we can be betrayed. Being betrayed is so painful and it can leave us feeling as if our world has ended. Today I discuss how we can cope after being betrayed.
How to Guide A BPD Ex Back Into Your Life
I get asked this question a lot. Unfortunately there are times when a person with BPD leaves a genuinely loving and supportive partner. It is these partners that I hear from, asking me how they can persuade their ex to come back. Today I discuss this topic.
What To Do If You’ve Told A Lie And Regret It
I have had multiple messages from people in the same situation – they have told a lie to someone they love and now regret it but are too scared to open up and be honest in case their loved one abandons them.
Are We Entitled To Be Angry And Cutting Toxic People Out Of Our Life
Today I do 2 video requests. Whose fault is it when we feel awful? If we struggle with pain from our past and therefore lash out at family members – are we entitled to? Should cut toxic people out of our lives? Yes! How do we do that?
How To Overcome BPD Without Medication & Treatment
For many of us with BPD, the help just isn’t available, whether that’s due to where we live, finances or waiting lists. Does that mean recovery just isn’t possible? Nooooo! We can still recover and today I discuss this in todays video. I also discuss my new website,, which will hopefully be launching in […]
Skills To Eliminate Fears & Change Negative Core Beliefs
Today I discuss some helpful skills that can help you to let go of your fears and unhealthy core beliefs.
Our Unconscious Mind, Core Beliefs & Fears
Today we take the first step on removing any unhelpful and unhealthy core beliefs and fears that keep us trapped, unable to progress with our recovery.
Mental Health & Our Unconscious Mind
Did you know that 95% of our brain activity happens at an unconscious level. For those of us with mental health issues, BPD, addiction etc. this is HUGE. We are literally being run by a mind that we are not even aware of!