The Big Book On Borderline Personality Disorder

Today I give an update on how close my book is to release date. I also give a list of the chapter titles so you have a better idea of what is included in the book. – Amazon Canada – Amazon UK – Amazon Australia –

My Relationship With My Ex

I got asked to discuss how my relationship with my ex-husband was and is today. Do we co-parent well or are there still issues today? Our relationship was intense and unstable from the beginning and eventually we divorced. I used cocaine throughout our marriage and he hated me using drugs.   Today myself and my ex-husband […]

My Typical Day

It has just been pointed out to me that I mentioned the teddy story twice! I did wonder if I had mentioned it as I started talking and then I thought ‘No – no you didn’t!’ Duh! Sorry guys – serious baby brain and tiredness going on! My Day is like Groundhog day! I get […]