How do you go about getting help for BPD if you think you may have it but don’t yet have a diagnosis?
hi guys today I haven't doing a video
request from Mia she asked me about
seeking help for BPD by how you go about
doing that
now if you're watching my videos chances
are you've either been diagnosed with
BPD or or you're a family member or
partner of someone who has BPD or you
are someone who thinks they have BPD but
does not yet have a diagnosis so if you
haven't been diagnosed and you really do
believe you suffer with borderline
personality disorder I would say your
first port O'Call is going to be your
doctor and the thing is the general GP
isn't going to be the one that would
give you that diagnosis you would need
to be referred to a mental health team
by psychiatrists psychologists and have
an assessment so go to your doctor
explain what you think is wrong and give
them an idea about why you think that
you don't have to go into big big detail
because I know the appointments often
like five minutes but ask if you can be
referred now once you get referred you
will go for an assessment and they can
assess you now you might be adamant that
you have borderline personality disorder
but it does not mean they will diagnose
you as having that for one they I don't
think they particularly like it people
self diagnosing themselves they kind of
feel it should be left to the
professionals and yes they have a point
I suppose we can look up anything really
and pick out the bits that we think yeah
that applies to us but does it mean
we have that not necessarily but then
again we know ourselves better than any
doctor does so I would be honest with
them I would say you what you think that
I think I have borderline personality
disorder but don't just leave it there
when you go to your appointment go
prepared and what I mean is spend the
next few days like the days before you
go writing notes basically look up
borderline personality disorder know
what the different traits are and write
down the ones that you have and give
examples of each one I mean self-harm
could be one except trying to attempt
suicide can be one and the fears of
abandonment and you can write about
extremes you go to and how it makes you
feel why do you do that yeah and get as
much information as you can that you can
give them it does not mean that they
will definitely diagnose you I think
they'll go by the assessment but the
more information you can give them the
better because often we can go along to
these assessments that face value we
seem okay
obviously they only seem okay and it's
very hard I suppose just to diagnose
straightaway I didn't get diagnosed
straightaway I mean I was under a mental
health team from the over 18 and it took
for me to be put into a mental health
ward where I lived there for months when
I was on there that's when I got the
diagnosis and I think that was because
they could watch my behaviors they had
they spent months just watching how I
was and then I got the diagnosis it
wasn't I just went along to an
appointment and I got it
I did take years
you might find that they come back and
they give you a diagnosis of depression
bipolar social anxiety basically not the
diagnosis you think that you have and
the thing is a lot of people with
borderline most people with borderline
personality disorder also have another
disorder such as depression and it could
be by failure could be anxiety so it's
not to say that's wrong but you also
think well hang on I've got borderline
as well I don't know what it is like in
other countries but I know in this
country I think you have to take
basically five out of like I think it's
like nine traits say and you have to
take five and not only that but you must
have had them baby started crying again
you must have had them for like five
years and two years and the reason is
that is in a person's lifetime
I think everyone at some point takes
some of the boxes sometimes anyone can
act impulsively sometimes anyone can
suffer with bad self-image anyone can
have fear abandonment but often people
go through stages of their life where
they have it but then it goes if you
have borderline personality disorder
it's kind of long term it's not just
gonna you're gonna have these things and
they're going to go so and think about
how long you've been suffering like this
write it down tell them that when you go
to your appointment give them as much
information as you can about yourself if
they still come back and do not give you
the diagnosis you think you should have
then question it why is why do you not
think I have this and find out their
reasons for not diagnosing you if after
you've gone through all this and they're
still saying no you can go first
and opinion you know another doctor
makes a man say well no you I think you
do have borderline personality disorder
the good thing about getting the
diagnosis is once you kinda know what's
wrong they you can get help in treating
it and the rock correct medication the
correct services if there's services in
your area like therapy in that and
without that diagnosis you don't get
going to get that help so yeah if you
are seeking help good luck go prepared
lots of information and yeah good luck
basically I bet gonna get baby she's
screaming her head off though by guy
request from Mia she asked me about
seeking help for BPD by how you go about
doing that
now if you're watching my videos chances
are you've either been diagnosed with
BPD or or you're a family member or
partner of someone who has BPD or you
are someone who thinks they have BPD but
does not yet have a diagnosis so if you
haven't been diagnosed and you really do
believe you suffer with borderline
personality disorder I would say your
first port O'Call is going to be your
doctor and the thing is the general GP
isn't going to be the one that would
give you that diagnosis you would need
to be referred to a mental health team
by psychiatrists psychologists and have
an assessment so go to your doctor
explain what you think is wrong and give
them an idea about why you think that
you don't have to go into big big detail
because I know the appointments often
like five minutes but ask if you can be
referred now once you get referred you
will go for an assessment and they can
assess you now you might be adamant that
you have borderline personality disorder
but it does not mean they will diagnose
you as having that for one they I don't
think they particularly like it people
self diagnosing themselves they kind of
feel it should be left to the
professionals and yes they have a point
I suppose we can look up anything really
and pick out the bits that we think yeah
that applies to us but does it mean
we have that not necessarily but then
again we know ourselves better than any
doctor does so I would be honest with
them I would say you what you think that
I think I have borderline personality
disorder but don't just leave it there
when you go to your appointment go
prepared and what I mean is spend the
next few days like the days before you
go writing notes basically look up
borderline personality disorder know
what the different traits are and write
down the ones that you have and give
examples of each one I mean self-harm
could be one except trying to attempt
suicide can be one and the fears of
abandonment and you can write about
extremes you go to and how it makes you
feel why do you do that yeah and get as
much information as you can that you can
give them it does not mean that they
will definitely diagnose you I think
they'll go by the assessment but the
more information you can give them the
better because often we can go along to
these assessments that face value we
seem okay
obviously they only seem okay and it's
very hard I suppose just to diagnose
straightaway I didn't get diagnosed
straightaway I mean I was under a mental
health team from the over 18 and it took
for me to be put into a mental health
ward where I lived there for months when
I was on there that's when I got the
diagnosis and I think that was because
they could watch my behaviors they had
they spent months just watching how I
was and then I got the diagnosis it
wasn't I just went along to an
appointment and I got it
I did take years
you might find that they come back and
they give you a diagnosis of depression
bipolar social anxiety basically not the
diagnosis you think that you have and
the thing is a lot of people with
borderline most people with borderline
personality disorder also have another
disorder such as depression and it could
be by failure could be anxiety so it's
not to say that's wrong but you also
think well hang on I've got borderline
as well I don't know what it is like in
other countries but I know in this
country I think you have to take
basically five out of like I think it's
like nine traits say and you have to
take five and not only that but you must
have had them baby started crying again
you must have had them for like five
years and two years and the reason is
that is in a person's lifetime
I think everyone at some point takes
some of the boxes sometimes anyone can
act impulsively sometimes anyone can
suffer with bad self-image anyone can
have fear abandonment but often people
go through stages of their life where
they have it but then it goes if you
have borderline personality disorder
it's kind of long term it's not just
gonna you're gonna have these things and
they're going to go so and think about
how long you've been suffering like this
write it down tell them that when you go
to your appointment give them as much
information as you can about yourself if
they still come back and do not give you
the diagnosis you think you should have
then question it why is why do you not
think I have this and find out their
reasons for not diagnosing you if after
you've gone through all this and they're
still saying no you can go first
and opinion you know another doctor
makes a man say well no you I think you
do have borderline personality disorder
the good thing about getting the
diagnosis is once you kinda know what's
wrong they you can get help in treating
it and the rock correct medication the
correct services if there's services in
your area like therapy in that and
without that diagnosis you don't get
going to get that help so yeah if you
are seeking help good luck go prepared
lots of information and yeah good luck
basically I bet gonna get baby she's
screaming her head off though by guy