Did you know that 95% of our brain activity happens at an unconscious level. For those of us with mental health issues, BPD, addiction etc. this is HUGE. We are literally being run by a mind that we are not even aware of!
hi guys happy Wednesday I must warn you
my children are about it's the summer
holidays but hopefully they will station
so I can do my video and today I'm
talking about mental health for blind
personality disorder addictions eating
disorders anxiety depression etc and the
unconscious mind
did you know 95% of our brain activity
is unconscious
so only 5% of our brain activity is
conscious something we're aware of the
conscious part of our brain tends to be
on the surface it's like the cortex the
prefrontal cortex the unconscious part
of our mind is deep within our brain and
includes our cerebellum which is
responsible for walking talking movement
I mean we don't have to consciously
think about it we can just quit it also
includes our limbic system which
includes our hypothalamus our
hippocampus our amygdala for those of
you who have seen my BPD and brain video
you know that I discuss how studies have
shown that people with borderline
personality disorder have brains that
differ from people without BPD two of
the differences our limbic system our
amygdala is hypersensitive
that's the unconscious part of our mind
the other difference is that our
prefrontal cortex the conscious part of
our mind tends to be under active so I'm
going to look at what these two things
and consciousness conscious do our
conscious mind is responsible when we
are making decisions when we are making
judgment our short term memory any kind
of planning or thinking critically and
that's all our conscious mind stuff we
are aware of
our unconscious mind that is our
emotions our personality habits any
beliefs that we have creativity and
long-term memory so when we think of
someone with BPD I've got the emotions
we have personality hello it's a
personality disorder habits beliefs this
is all unconscious
we are literally being run by our
unconscious mind and here's the thing
when you look at BPD our main thing is
fear now fear can be conscious but a lot
of the time in our case it's at an
unconscious level we're not even aware
of it we are literally running on fear
we fear people are going to leave us we
fear that we're gonna be stuck like this
forever we fear that no one's gonna like
us with it we're not good enough we fear
our emotions we fear fear itself
literally fear runs this show and it's
at an unconscious level so we're not
even aware of it the problem is for most
of us the fear is not justified now we
know fear is there for a reason back in
prehistoric times if we were out in the
jungle and we heard our fight-or-flight
response would be kick-started
unconsciously just happen because we
don't need to consciously think about it
but oh I wonder if that was a lion
we just need to react and so quite a
flight response reacts our heart rate
goes up blood starts pumping ready for
us true fat flight or fright flee or
fight basically
unfortunately whilst that was good there
for our survival because if we didn't
have it and we just hung around would
probably get eaten now we don't have a
big in Lyon after us we're in a
relationship and our partners late home
by five minutes that's not a risk to our
survival but it kicks off that fear so
where does that fear come from it's in
that unconscious mind and I'm not there
that fear is triggered from our beliefs
again in our unconscious mind beliefs
that we've grown up with that we believe
to be true when actually a lot of time
our beliefs are really unhealthy and
they're not fact even though we take
them to be fat so whether that is I am a
bad person men about women are bad
I will never amount to anything that's
going on I'm consciously remembering
that 95 percent for her brain activity
happens at an unconscious level and all
this stuff is being fed to us all these
negative unhelpful unhealthy beliefs and
it gets us caught in really
dysfunctional cycle lots of us do I mask
that fear and we do that we might use
drugs alcohol shopping social media
eating disorders gambling sex the list
goes on
it's no surprise because those that know
me I had a cocaine addiction for years
and I went through a rehab and I became
part for 12-step fellowship most of you
would have heard of Alcoholics Anonymous
that was the first first step for sure
now I've talked before rattling through
the step step four is we have to take
inventory of ourselves we have to look
at our resentments we look at our sexual
behavior we
look at our homes that we've caused and
we look at our fears and this is
important because if we don't look at
these fears and face up to them and see
them from what they are we are very
likely to relapse so we have to look at
them and this is really important for
those of us with BPD because these fears
these unhelpful beliefs they're keeping
us stuck in a really horrid place how
many times do we just we might end a
relationship for a relationship breaks
down because of a fear that we've had an
unjustified fear how many of us feel we
can't go for that job because what's the
point we'll never get it because we fear
yeah and so we get stuck we can't move
forward in our life we can't have a life
worth living if we're so consumed by all
these negative beliefs and fears that
are happening at an unconscious level so
what we need to do we have to
consciously tap in to our unconscious we
have to we have to make ourselves and
look at those fears question those
bleeps what are they what's helpful and
what is not helpful what is holding me
back from having the dream life because
there is an amazing life waiting for you
but unless we can conquer these demons
we're gonna be stuck where we are and we
don't want this like said we fear fear
we fear being stuck here we don't want
to be stuck here and we don't have to be
stuck here we have to tap into our
unconscious mind and that my lovelies is
the video I'm gonna be discussing on
Friday I hope you all enjoy the rest of
your week and I love your loads
my children are about it's the summer
holidays but hopefully they will station
so I can do my video and today I'm
talking about mental health for blind
personality disorder addictions eating
disorders anxiety depression etc and the
unconscious mind
did you know 95% of our brain activity
is unconscious
so only 5% of our brain activity is
conscious something we're aware of the
conscious part of our brain tends to be
on the surface it's like the cortex the
prefrontal cortex the unconscious part
of our mind is deep within our brain and
includes our cerebellum which is
responsible for walking talking movement
I mean we don't have to consciously
think about it we can just quit it also
includes our limbic system which
includes our hypothalamus our
hippocampus our amygdala for those of
you who have seen my BPD and brain video
you know that I discuss how studies have
shown that people with borderline
personality disorder have brains that
differ from people without BPD two of
the differences our limbic system our
amygdala is hypersensitive
that's the unconscious part of our mind
the other difference is that our
prefrontal cortex the conscious part of
our mind tends to be under active so I'm
going to look at what these two things
and consciousness conscious do our
conscious mind is responsible when we
are making decisions when we are making
judgment our short term memory any kind
of planning or thinking critically and
that's all our conscious mind stuff we
are aware of
our unconscious mind that is our
emotions our personality habits any
beliefs that we have creativity and
long-term memory so when we think of
someone with BPD I've got the emotions
we have personality hello it's a
personality disorder habits beliefs this
is all unconscious
we are literally being run by our
unconscious mind and here's the thing
when you look at BPD our main thing is
fear now fear can be conscious but a lot
of the time in our case it's at an
unconscious level we're not even aware
of it we are literally running on fear
we fear people are going to leave us we
fear that we're gonna be stuck like this
forever we fear that no one's gonna like
us with it we're not good enough we fear
our emotions we fear fear itself
literally fear runs this show and it's
at an unconscious level so we're not
even aware of it the problem is for most
of us the fear is not justified now we
know fear is there for a reason back in
prehistoric times if we were out in the
jungle and we heard our fight-or-flight
response would be kick-started
unconsciously just happen because we
don't need to consciously think about it
but oh I wonder if that was a lion
we just need to react and so quite a
flight response reacts our heart rate
goes up blood starts pumping ready for
us true fat flight or fright flee or
fight basically
unfortunately whilst that was good there
for our survival because if we didn't
have it and we just hung around would
probably get eaten now we don't have a
big in Lyon after us we're in a
relationship and our partners late home
by five minutes that's not a risk to our
survival but it kicks off that fear so
where does that fear come from it's in
that unconscious mind and I'm not there
that fear is triggered from our beliefs
again in our unconscious mind beliefs
that we've grown up with that we believe
to be true when actually a lot of time
our beliefs are really unhealthy and
they're not fact even though we take
them to be fat so whether that is I am a
bad person men about women are bad
I will never amount to anything that's
going on I'm consciously remembering
that 95 percent for her brain activity
happens at an unconscious level and all
this stuff is being fed to us all these
negative unhelpful unhealthy beliefs and
it gets us caught in really
dysfunctional cycle lots of us do I mask
that fear and we do that we might use
drugs alcohol shopping social media
eating disorders gambling sex the list
goes on
it's no surprise because those that know
me I had a cocaine addiction for years
and I went through a rehab and I became
part for 12-step fellowship most of you
would have heard of Alcoholics Anonymous
that was the first first step for sure
now I've talked before rattling through
the step step four is we have to take
inventory of ourselves we have to look
at our resentments we look at our sexual
behavior we
look at our homes that we've caused and
we look at our fears and this is
important because if we don't look at
these fears and face up to them and see
them from what they are we are very
likely to relapse so we have to look at
them and this is really important for
those of us with BPD because these fears
these unhelpful beliefs they're keeping
us stuck in a really horrid place how
many times do we just we might end a
relationship for a relationship breaks
down because of a fear that we've had an
unjustified fear how many of us feel we
can't go for that job because what's the
point we'll never get it because we fear
yeah and so we get stuck we can't move
forward in our life we can't have a life
worth living if we're so consumed by all
these negative beliefs and fears that
are happening at an unconscious level so
what we need to do we have to
consciously tap in to our unconscious we
have to we have to make ourselves and
look at those fears question those
bleeps what are they what's helpful and
what is not helpful what is holding me
back from having the dream life because
there is an amazing life waiting for you
but unless we can conquer these demons
we're gonna be stuck where we are and we
don't want this like said we fear fear
we fear being stuck here we don't want
to be stuck here and we don't have to be
stuck here we have to tap into our
unconscious mind and that my lovelies is
the video I'm gonna be discussing on
Friday I hope you all enjoy the rest of
your week and I love your loads