I apologise that my little girl is babbling in the background! I will make sure she is asleep next video! In this video I discuss the various traits of the 10 different personality disorders.

hi guys today I'm back and I'm doing my
first video with my flip chart and as
you can see I'm gonna be talking about
personality disorders before I start
actually I want to apologize I'm sorry
this video is out Saturday it is
actually Saturday today I was do a video
yesterday but as you guys know my kids
are on half-term so it was very
difficult to get a video done yesterday
before I do anything I thought a little
little to ask you and I will give you
the answer at the end okay so this and
that number is going to equal so 1 over
101 o equals 9.50 I want you to make
that equal that by putting one line
somewhere on here so you put just one
line somewhere on here and it will make
that equal that I did it for my mom the
other day and she's been doing at work
and it's caught on this is something
I've shown 15 years ago probably 20 odd
years ago by a teacher it actually was
so yeah I'll give you the answer at the
end so ok today I will talk about
personality disorders there are 10
different personality disorders you will
see me glancing down here because I do
have notes because I like you don't know
everything about all the different
personality disorders I'm quite clued up
on borderline but that's because I have
it so to start with what is a
personality disorder and to answer this
we need to look at what is a personality
what makes a personality three things
make a personality it's the way we think
the way we feel and the way we behave so
these three things make a personality
now I'm going to be doing some workshops
like videos on the brain and basically
our personality us as humans we our
brain is made in such a way that we have
our emotional side that gives us
happiness and joy and there's a reason
we have those feelings and also the
not-so-good feelings
the feeling bad the scared the anxiety
and again it's all supposed to be there
and pass our personality makes it
possible for us to live together as a
group it's important it was important
for our survival if we go all the way
back to caveman times I always go back
to caveman times but even before then we
needed to survive if we were on our own
our chances of survival would have been
slim so we kind of work together in a
pack and it was important for us all to
get on and be part of so our personality
someone normal their personality will
help them interact and get on with
others work with others have
relationships obviously having a
relationship is vital for survival
because finding a mate having a mate I'm
really sorry about the noise just
banging on the window so our personality
is really important and unusual
circumstances we do get on with people
we do have relationships we can work
with others we're not outcasts and
getting into trouble but
but what happens when our personality
doesn't do what it should do but and
what I mean by that is we struggle in
relationships we can't hold down a job
we can't control the way we behave we're
always getting into trouble so we do all
the things that we shouldn't be doing
that makes a personality disorder
there's something not right there I'm
not going to go into the details today
of how and why we have a personality
disorder because no one knows 100% I've
talked about this before so I hope you
think that social your upbringing and
merit ringing is important because the
way we think the way refer way we behave
it stems it starts in childhood have
personality starts being built in
childhood by our late teens early 20s
we have our personality and that is the
kind of personality that will stick with
us the rest of our life so yeah so it
can be social some people say it's
hereditary it can be passed down to do
with the brain I am going like I've said
I'm going to be doing videos on the
lotty you're so loud let me do it you're
ripio right so the think feel behave
this makes a personality disorder there
are 10 personality disorders and it was
very hard to kind of because when I say
it's hard a lot of them overlap meaning
the traits are the same so I might be
you might have borderline but be looking
at others that I'm reading through and
go I do that I do that I do that and
that is normal a lot of them do overlap
and they were put
into three groups scientists the medical
professionals they looked for patterns
basically so the three groups cluster
eyes tend to be odd and eccentric can
you see that
can you see that just odd and eccentric
is four cluster A's not stuffy that is
us through massive so dramatic emotional
and erratic so if you're out then you
have borderline with s dramatic
emotional an erratic and then we have
plus the C's I'm looking at my notes
plus the C's tend to be anxious and
fearful so there the clusters at an
eccentric dramatic emotional and erratic
anxious and fearful so now I'm going to
go into the individual personality
disorders starting with my cluster a so
plus A's the paranoid personality
it's basically what it says paranoid
this person is extremely suspicious
sorry for the dodgy handwriting people
they often feel everyone is talking
about them everyone doesn't like them
what is that noise next time I do one of
these videos of try and make sure she's
but her routine is about because it's
the holidays right easily rejected hold
grudges but hey and very miss trusting
boo come here I'm going to pick her up
while I continue guys I'm really sorry
you're a monkey
there you go better better now so now
I'm going to go on to schizoid
personality disorder someone who is
schizoid is emotionally cold so it's
that's going it's the head or filming
yes they prefer their own company live
in a fantasy world of fantasy they tend
to live a solitary life
and detachment my writing is so bad
right and then we have skips own title
now schizotypal apparently I believe
used to be called some something it was
a latent it's a funnier or yeah because
someone that has schizotypal personality
Hey it's highly likely they will go on
and develop schizophrenia so this person
who have very eccentric behavior odd
ideas difficulties thinking they can
lack emotions or they can have
inappropriate emotional reactions to
things and they can also see and hear
strange things they have real discomfort
with clothes maintaining close
it's a schizotypal personality disorder
are you going to be sick that they can
often talk to themselves they can often
speak in an unusual way and have like an
odd way of speaking and they can also
dress like in a really odd way like a
peculiar dress sense
so that is schizotypal you're making
this really difficult for me guys these
will get better this is my first one
with my flip charts cluster B's very
exciting the cluster B's
this is us so antisocial to social
apparently before they came up with the
10 personality disorders it was only
antisocial and then they realized
actually there's lots of different types
and they came up with the list of ten
auntie's someone with antisocial they
don't care about the feelings of others
offered no empathy they can get easily
frustrated if they're easily frustrated
they can become aggressive it's someone
with antisocial personality disorder
that is likely to commit crimes so
you'll often find they have a criminal
they are impulsive they struggle to make
close relationships struggle ships
they'll commit crimes they have no
empathy they note they have no guilt pop
here you're making this really hard for
me they can be seen as manipulative they
can be seen as deceitful and
irresponsible and they don't learn from
their past experiences as you can see
already with some of these the things
I've gone over in cluster a and B
already I'm sure you're probably
thinking yeah I'm a bit like that I've
got that I've got that but we're here we
are borderline borderline personality
yes we are just like this one
impulsive we find it hard to control
emotions we will often get into a
relationship really quickly but struggle
to maintain that relationship so I pick
you down
sorry guys we often feel empty inside
we often self-harm
we too can suffer with paranoia and we
can also people with borderline can hear
voices hear voices suicide attempts
drugs and alcohol I know like that is
something that's often substance misuse
is often comorbid with order line but
actually all the personality disorders
often also have substance misuse other
mental health issues where they might
suffer depression anxiety alright
alright right so as you can say again
they're overlapping some of the traits
are overlapping right we're going on to
history or neck history or neck over
dramatize things
sounds like borderline doesn't it
histrionic are very self-centered they
have very strong emotions but
short-lived strong emotions
short lived someone who is his Janek
often really worries about their
appearance like a lot by constantly
checking in the mirror constantly
attention seeking well you headbutt the
wall some of these histrionic craves
excitement they're constantly looking
for something new and something to give
them at bars they can be very seductive
and they have a real need for approval
I'm really sorry about my writing guys I
will try and improve it for you and then
we have narcissistic and a lot of us
know about narcissism I don't like being
in the same cluster as a narcissist for
example how judgmental is that but let's
have a look at narcissism so they have a
real strong sense of self-importance
many think they are up here and everyone
else is down there they constantly dream
of power success money they crave
attention from others but will not
reciprocate that attention they're also
really likely to call on people for
but not reciprocate the baby's not see
what's up are you teething really sorry
really they don't tend to show room
feelings so I'll put room fee news and a
line through it they lack what do they
lack empathy that's a really big one
they're really lucky empathy and did I
say they don't
yeah they don't show their warm feelings
and they want to be admired they want
everyone thinking how wonderful they are
when they already think that about
themselves anyway so that's the cluster
B's remember dramatic emotional and then
we're coming over to the cluster sees
anxious and fearful we have
obsessive-compulsive hair
obsessive-compulsive is obsessive
compulsive personality disorder not
obsessive compulsive disorder they are
different so this is personality
disorder this can often go on to become
form OCD
let's look at this as a personality
disorder they worry a lot
they are perfectionists UI prepare they
stick to rigid routines
very cautious they always worry I've got
to pick four up guys again oh yeah what
is noise what is this noise they are
constantly worried about doing the wrong
thing they struggle to adapt to new
situations they have really high moral
standards they're judgmental yeah Wow
sensitive to criticism and they can have
obsessional thoughts but these
obsessional thoughts on as bad as in
full obsessive-compulsive disorder right
so I'm trying to speed up I don't even
know if you can read see my scrawly
writing but like I said I'll try and
improve it but avoidant personality
disorder this person is very anxious
again they worry just like this they
feel insecure like borderline and thing
is I'm borderline I'm anxious I'm
worried I'm insecure but like I said
they can overlap they need to be liked
they are extremely sensitive to
criticism if someone criticizes them it
do not take it well and someone with
avoidant personality will avoid social
interaction even though they actually
really crave it may occur a that social
interaction but they are just too
and home I'm nearly done and then we
have dependent someone who's dependent
can be seen as very passive basically
they're completely dependent they rely
on others to do their decision-making
for them they will adapt and do what
other people want them to do rather than
kind of thinking for themselves they let
other people do their thinking for them
this person can't even cope Wow with
daily chores they feel hopeless they
need other people to meet their
emotional needs and their physical needs
they can be seen as really submissive
and clingy but then I used to be really
clingy and I was borderline but like I
said to you a lot of these do overlaps
hi say hi I'm sorry I ruined mummys
video I'm sorry yeah cheeky girl she's
teething and so yeah a lot of them
overlap but yeah that is the ten
different personality disorders I'm
really sorry I've kind of been glancing
at my notes I've been focusing on her
she's been talking I do want to get this
video out but I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm
sorry sorry and now the answer remember
I said that top number is going to equal
the bottom number by putting one line on
it let me put lots down
if any of you got it one line ten to ten
is the same as 950 I'm gonna leave that
there guys like I said she's teething so
her routines out is half time the kids
are here Monday they go back school
Tuesday so possibly my Monday video will
be out a day late as well but then we
will be back to normal my next videos I
am going to talk about the brain and
borderline and brain and different
feelings and chemicals okay I'm gonna
have to wrap it up there but yeah I hope
I kind of made some sense in showing you
the differences between all of them this
I didn't have a clue to start with so
right enjoy the rest of your weekend
love you all bye
This transcript was auto-generated and therefore may contain mistakes.

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