I have a collaboration coming up at the end of this month with Dr Todd Grande. In the collaboration I will be asking him questioms for him to answer. So – if you have a question you would like answered by a Dr, then please ask it in the comments below this video!

hi lovelies so I have just put a video
out but I have some exciting news I have
a collaboration coming out with a doctor
his name is doctor tot Grande
that's tot Tod D and grande DRA and de
I'm gonna put him in my featured
channels today so you can't go and check
out his videos I love dr. Grande's
videos because he comes at things in a
very scientific way which I love but he
is also so nice like he when he talks
about borderline personality disorder he
is not someone that adds to the stigma
in any way he's the complete opposite
and you've just got to go and check out
the videos he does not just borderline
and based videos all kinds of mental
health different personality disorders
and so there's like so much information
there so do check it out now I need your
help because the way we're doing the
collaboration is I'm going to Skype with
him and I'm going to ask him questions
so dr. Grande is based on the east coast
of the USA so if you have any questions
for him I'm saying that because
obviously he might not be able to answer
questions about any likely NHS in the UK
for example so that's the only reason I
mentioned that be if you have any
questions that you really like answered
by a professional now is your time to
ask them so what wants you to do any
questions you have put in the comments
below this video and when I do the
collaboration I will make sure I ask all
of those questions for you so now is
your chance it's not every day that we
can just go and ask a professional
opinion so any questions you have please
keep them coming
let me know so I can ask them and yeah
I'm really looking forward to it so that
will be out at the end of the month I
love you all loads and I will be back
mix this week this week what by talking
about I'll be back we freaking love you
This transcript was auto-generated and therefore may contain mistakes.

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